We are an established and reliable supplier with a long tradition. In 2023, we celebrated 30 years on the market. Our aim is to provide to our gastronomy customers comprehensive services in the supply of food and supplementary goods. In our offer, you should find everything that you need for smooth functioning of your gastronomy business.
We characterise our business as wholesale, but strive to do more than that. We pride ourselves on providing turnkey services with constant personal contact with customers through our sales representatives (unlike the giant chains with their impersonal sales style).
From the beginning, we have firmly believed that we need to bring our service out to you, our customers, and not just sit around our shop and wait for someone to knock on the door. We’re very happy that this basic idea of an individual approach to each customer has proven itself over time, and your continued interest in our services is testament to that.
We currently supply more than 2,000 establishments in and around Prague. Our current offer contains more than 7,000 types of goods and includes products from all major manufacturers and importers in the Czech Republic. Among other things, we offer fresh fruit and vegetables at gastronomic quality all year round, meat and meat products from small producers, a wide range of frozen goods and many specialties from Italy, France, Spain, Asia, Mexico and other regions.
Through simplicity, we save your time and costs. Your order is packed together in a single shipment for which you receive one, or in some cases several easy-to-read invoices. We have a team of great people who can handle orders quickly and flexibly. We receive orders through all the technical means available. You can order by phone or e-mail. We have our own online store where you can set up order templates to make the process much faster.
Because our activity entails some health risks, we are extremely strict about compliance with all safety, hygiene and other standards and regulations. In many ways, our internal regulations are stricter than Czech laws or recommendations of the European Union.
Every three months, we run a special price promo full of discounted goods. We also motivate our clients through our wide-reaching loyalty benefits programme.
In addition to comprehensive services in supplying gastronomic establishments, we also try to inspire our customers through our specialised gastronomy magazine Fany Info REVUE, leaflets full of news and recipes, by organising our top-class FANY EXPO gastronomy trade fairs and publishing FANY TIPY video recipes from our chefs on our YouTube channel as well as specialised articles on our website.
How did it all start?
In the early 1990s, we ran several retail units selling fruit and vegetables. At the start of 1990, we were probably the first in former Czechoslovakia to take an “economic lease” on an Ovoce Zelenina store. It was located at “Na Knížecí” in Prague 5. The lease included basement space in Stroupežnického street (today the Radegastovna Perón pub), where we tried to grow portobello mushrooms for about a year, with little success.
Our story as a food wholesaler began in the premises of the former mushroom farm. Just one car, two people and about 150 types of goods! In 1992, we opened a separate warehouse in the Smíchov district of Prague to supply gastronomy establishments. Since then, we continued to expand our offer until we had a complete range of food, chemist’s goods, drinks, frozen goods, fresh fruit and vegetables. We worked hard to improve our services and prepared the construction of our own warehouse.
We launched our benefit programme which continues to be very popular and which we keep expanding.
We started publishing the specialised gastronomy journal FANY Info with the apt subtitle “All about gastronomy”, which knows everything there is to know about HORECA professionals.
We launched our first online store and ran the first FANY EXPO, our own professional trade fair for HORECA specialists. We also expanded our offer with a range of frozen goods.
We moved to our own modern warehouse in Vestec near Prague, which allowed us to kickstart further development of our company. The warehouse is designed in accordance with EU standards and uses the latest technology in food storage and logistics. The new and larger premises enable us to more flexibly respond to the needs of our customers and reliably supply more gastronomic establishments. In the same year, we founded the charity organisation ETELA o.p.s. (www.etela.cz) which helps children in difficult life situations. Since then, we’ve heard hundreds of stories, donated millions of CZK and received a lot of joy from helping those in need.
Ve stejném roce jsme založili charitativní organizaci ETELA o.p.s. (www.etela.cz), která se věnuje pomoci dětem v těžkých situacích. Od té doby to jsou stovky příběhů, miliony milióny korun a spousta radosti z pomoci potřebným.
We published the first edition of our printed catalogue, which our customers call the “gastronomic bible” – and we’re very happy about that. We also started delivering goods seven days a week. In this year, we had about a hundred employees, reached a turnover of CZK 500 million and offered 5,000 types of goods.
We doubled the number of pages in our gastronomic quarterly and supported this by subtly expanding the title: FANY Info REVUE.
As an exclusive supplier, we introduced and started offering the prestigious Portuguese coffee brand DELTA CAFES (including comprehensive coffee service from our barista), which is one of the world’s best.
We launched our own YouTube channel FANY TIPY, which offers video recipes with step by step guides from the best professionals in their field.
We achieved a turnover of CZK one billion and our offer of products in stock grew to 7,000 SKUs.
We launched our upgraded and improved online store: shop.fany.cz
Our goal remains to professionally satisfy your demanding needs and provide first-class service through an individual approach. All our activities are directed towards the same objective – your satisfaction. We will deliver the goods to the address you specify in an around Prague. We use state-of-the-art refrigerated vehicles to ensure the proper storage conditions are met. The freshness of products is preserved through compliance with HACCP standards.